Kara Griffin - Gunn Guardsmen Read online

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  Last days of summer five years later …

  Highlands, Scotland


  Many a boat lined the seaport awaiting departure. Laird Grey Gunn wasn’t in a rush to take to sea. Truth to tell, he’d rather be home in bed with his lovely wife. That thought made him wince since his wife’s belly forbade him from doing what he most wanted. In a month mayhap his son would be born and once again he’d be welcomed back into his marriage bed.

  His men sent complaint in the form of glares and grumbles when he told them to unload the boats, but he didn’t pay them any heed. For they would follow his command and if so would stay ashore until he bade leave. After giving the orders that the boats be emptied of their wares and battened down for the oncoming cold weather season, he strode toward the hut where his guard posted, awaiting him.

  They leaned against the wall as if they had nothing to occupy their time. But Grey knew they were alert and vigilant, even though they presented the opposite visage. His guard was always ready to defend the clan and land.

  “Grey, you’ve a message from Alexander. He is nearly at the keep and will probably be waiting at your table when you arrive.” Duff, his commander-in-arms and his closest comrade, handed him a piece of crumbled parchment.

  The missive barely a few words, indicated Alexander needed his attendance.

  “God Almighty, what now? I have no time for the king’s melees.” Grey didn’t hold much fondness for the king since they’d had a disagreement. It was more of a conflict of interest since Alexander hadn’t held his wife’s welfare above his own. An event he was made to swallow without retribution.

  “Well, you best be making time,” Colm said, and joined the others in laughter over their laird’s disgruntlement. For they all knew how much Grey objected to anything having to do with Alexander. They were fortunate enough to live far north, where they weren’t bothered much by politics.

  Grey grumbled and turned to leave them, and unfortunately they followed. Each one of his guardsmen had been trustworthy companions since childhood. Duff, the most formidable, at least until his marriage to his wife’s friend, Kait, more often wore a smile. Odd that, since Duff had been a favored adversary in training and many of his warriors boasted of being the one who would finally defeat him. Grey would never get used to his tolerant temperament of late. He supposed a woman could bring about a change in a man, considering that had happened to him when he married his beloved Bree.

  Sean, James, and Colm were always good company and entertaining, especially when there was a willing woman around, a brawl to revel in, or a tasty drink to appease them. Though they weren’t much younger than he, it had been his duty to give them a place within the clan. Grey finally conceded they were able to care for themselves and he didn’t much worry about them. His wife had given him enough worry these days and was always up to mischief. Only one of his guardsmen concerned him and that was Kenneth.

  Kenneth’s brother had died and since, he hadn’t been the same forbearing man. Greer’s unfortunate death caused Kenneth to change in manner. Greer had been second-in-command and guarding Bree when he met with a foe that had a bigger sword and a quest for blood. Losing Greer instilled great pain for all the Gunn clansmen and women, but none as great as Kenneth. His friend lost his fortitude for happiness and his easy-going spirit diminished.

  As he walked along the path to the keep, Grey discerned the quiet demeanor in his friend and the scowl permanently etched on his brow. There was nothing he could do to ease his friend’s mourning or anger. For Kenneth had placed blame for Greer’s death solely on himself. No matter what Grey told him, would disallow that guilt. Hell, it was his own wife whom Greer had been protecting at the time. Still, Kenneth would not allow Grey to take the fault.

  Grey noted the king’s guard dotting the hillside. Alexander rode with many these days because there was much strife between the lands in each direction. Damnation, Grey didn’t want to be embroiled in any political matters or any cosh Alexander was involved in. There was too much to do at home, and with the birth of his first child approaching, worries.

  He took the steps and entered the great hall, where he saw his clanswomen and several of his lesser guardsmen had taken up vigil. Alexander, considered by many of the ladies to be handsome, drew attention wherever he went. With a look, Grey sent his clans people on their way and gave a quick glance of regret to Bree. She caught his look and smiled briefly before turning back to Kait.


  Upon saying his name, the tall king stood and waited for Grey to make the suitable gestures to one of his ilk. A few gestures came to mind, but none would be appropriate. Grey would rather spit on the floor than show any kind of regard for his king, and short of getting his head staked, would he ever be so disrespectful. That didn’t mean he had to like the man.

  “Grey, I need to speak with you in private. I’ve much to discuss.”

  Grey immediately cleared the room of his guardsmen. He asked Bree to leave with the womenfolk and once the hall was silenced, he sat next to Alexander and poured himself a cup of ale. Too bad the ale had been watered down because he could use a bit of mind-numbness in dealing with Alexander.

  “There are grave matters at hand. I need your assistance.”

  “Aye, they are always grave, are they not?” Grey sipped at his ale waiting with eagerness to hear what the king wanted of him. The sooner he revealed his purpose of visit, the soonest he would leave.

  “I’ve met with Haakon and our discussion has led me to believe I need to take action before all we’ve gained for is for naught. Though Haakon is good friends with the English’s king, I must consider my next move carefully. That is why I am here.”

  “What has Norway’s king to do with you, your grace? I would trust you would not aid him since he is in league with Henry. Haven’t you sworn disloyalty to Henry or has that changed?”

  Alexander grumbled something he couldn’t quite catch. The two kings often disputed over any and every issue warranted.

  Grey wasn’t sure what Alexander would reveal, but now his curiosity piqued. It was well known that Haakon wanted the isles to the west as property of Norway, and Grey knew Alexander considered the land Scotland’s. That alone attested to Alexander’s patience with Domhnall Mac Raghnaill, the warrior chieftain who occupied said land. Domhnall fiercely guarded the lands and kept them secure from both kings. The chieftain played both sides of the coin as it were. A dangerous game for any and all involved.

  “Years ago, I visited the lands to the west, and there I met a woman, she was a young lass then whom I thought to marry. Domhnall mac Raghnaill and I made an agreement that he would keep the lands from the Norway king until my father negotiated a price with him. He was to be well rewarded. At the time, upon my father’s behest, I went to secure those lands for Scotland. Domhnall agreed to await my father, but then he went and killed …”

  “Sire, what are you asking of me?” Grey’s impatience wore on him. He didn’t much care to hear the history of whatever was bothering Alexander.

  Alexander pressed his back against the chair and folded his arms. He seemed reluctant to continue. “This may take a bit of explaining. The lass I wanted to wed was killed along with her family. The MacQuarries. All but her twin sister was slain. I believe Domhnall took part and now I have reason to believe it so.”

  “Why would he kill your lass’ family?” Grey’s stomach clenched upon hearing the name MacQuarrie. He’d heard what happened to the chieftain and his family, and many had been outraged at the time. The MacQuarries were allies of many clans in the northern regions and held great wealth and power.

  In a controlled tone, Alexander spoke clear yet with severity to his voice. “He was sending me a message.”

  “You want me to kill Domhnall mac Raghnaill?” Grey asked with a touch of sarcasm to his words. “Do you know what you ask? He has many followers and supporters. It would be a difficult task, but not impossible.�

  “Nay, Haakon will have Domhnall’s head for himself … eventually. Then I will have to battle with Haakon for the lands unless I can appease him. Which is why I am here this day. I have been asked to retrieve proof that Domhnall sided with his brother to overthrow Haakon. It is rumored that a parchment with the plan and those involved was given to Domhnall right before Mauri’s death from his brother Rory. Rory’s messenger was captured and confessed to giving a missive to Domhnall.”

  Grey was astonished at what was being told to him. For one thing, how would he know where this precious parchment was? And secondly, there was no way to get close enough to Domhnall to find it.

  “When Domhnall killed Mauri’s family, he had taken her sister, Elisa. I need to find that lass in hopes she can tell me where that parchment is or if it still exists. Haakon insists on proof and it is the only way we can rid Scotland of its rubbish. Once I have the proof, Haakon will abdicate his claim on those lands. It is very likely he’ll kill Domhnall and we shall be free to take the land.”

  Grey kept silent. This was a task he definitely did not want to get involved in. Given that the mac Raghnaill clan was one of the fiercest in the west. And Alexander’s plan sounded too simple. There had to be more to what he was telling.

  “I need you to go to Domhnall’s lands and search for her, bring her back here so I can question her.” Then a sudden melancholy overcame Alexander, for his expression slackened and his eyes dulled. “I heard tell that Mauri and Domhnall conspired behind my back. The rumors cannot be false. I am hard-pressed to believe it so. I had hoped to wed her and was courting her. Breaks my heart, it does to think she cuckolded me. Yet I do not believe Mauri would be dishonorable. I know not what to think, Gunn. Elisa and she were twins, and only she would be able to speak of these matters. At the very least give me answers.”

  Why Grey shook his head, he wasn’t sure. But he knew with certainty that this was not a task he wanted to undertake regardless of Alexander’s wishes. “I cannot leave my lands right now, my lord. Bree is expecting our first bairn and she would never forgive me were I to leave.”

  Alexander blew out a sound of aggravation, before he let a smile forth. “Ah the wee Bree is having a babe. I am happy to hear that, Grey. But it shouldn’t take long to retrieve the lass. A couple of weeks at best it should take. Now that I have your agreement …”

  “Agreement? I haven’t agreed to anything,” Grey practically shouted.

  “Her name is Elisa. When she was young, she had fair hair and bonny green eyes. She was a slight lass, that I remember, slighter than her sister. If you go to Domhnall’s lands in pretense of wanting to discuss clan matters, you might be able to find out where she is.”

  “Aye, I could do that. But why not send Donal? He has a greater reputation with the clan chiefs than I do.” Grey took a drink, but the taste sat foul in his mouth. The entire matter left him bitter. He’d hoped Donal Ross, one of the Highland council elders, would make a better envoy.

  Alexander grunted. “Donal refuses and I have other tasks for him. He suggested I send you. You’re the only man Domhnall would trust since ye have the ear of many Highland chiefs. Domhnall wanted a treaty with several of the clans in this territory recently. Use it as a ruse to gain access to his lands.”

  “Mayhap I could find her. What if I am unable to?”

  Alexander pitched forward. “You must or all is lost. I must have proof of Domhnall’s misdeeds. I will not have you disregard this request. Aye, I’m asking, Grey, and not demanding. Don’t make me plead, because I will …”

  Grey sighed at the contention knowing he would have to do his king’s will. “I’ll leave immediately, my lord.”

  “I will be visiting Donal’s keep and will await word of your return. I wouldn’t expect your lovely Bree to hospitable since I wasn’t so kind to her in the past.” With that Alexander rose and without a farewell, left the hall.

  Grey sat in silence considering the mission before him. Hopefully he’d be able to find the lass and return without delay. Poor Donal would be subjected to Alexander’s company until he returned. Donal Ross was a great ally and friend of a nearby clan. Their ties went back for years and Grey held great respect for Laird Ross. Not only was he a friend, but he’d been chosen as his Godfather and protector when he’d been but a lad. He’d looked up to Donal since the day he could walk.

  Donal held boundless affection for Scotland and the king and would go to any length to aid either even if it went against Grey’s interests. Grey never expected Alexander to be so forthright with his confessions, especially those about the young lass. Mauri it seems had given the king a broken heart and worse, political problems.

  Noise drew his attention to the door and he noticed his guard returning. It had been some time since they went on a journey and he suspected his men were wanting a bit of adventure. Considering the smiles on their faces, that assessment was more accurate than he knew.

  “Duff, I’ll need you to stay here and take charge. I’m leaving in the morning on a mission for Alexander. See to the clan and continue the training sessions.” Grey had wanted to use their downtime to train the younger Gunn warriors.

  Duff’s mouth flew open and then he grinned. Aye, Duff was as shocked as he at his acceptance of any task Alexander would give him. No one could deny the king for fear that he be taken to Edinburgh and his life no more. What could he do? The errand wasn’t that difficult. All he had to do was retrieve the lass, give her over to Alexander, and return home. Simple, he thought.

  “Where are we going, Laird?” Colm asked.

  “To retrieve a lass for Alexander. We’re to the west, to mac Raghnaill’s lands.” Grey wouldn’t say more because who knew what political riff was involved in this mess.

  The mention of the MacQuarrie lass also gave him an idea and his plan took hold in his mind. It was the least he could do to assist Kenneth.

  “A lass? Whoa, did you hear that, Kenneth?” Sean jested, elbowing his upper arm.

  Kenneth gave him a cross look and with a hard shove, pushed him away.

  Each of his men bounded toward the table when they saw one of the kitchen servants bringing in trays of food. In a rush to be the first to eat, they pushed each other to be the first one to taste the delights Bree had made. His wife was the best cook in the highlands. Grey tensed then for she shouldn’t in the kitchens in her condition. He’d tell her so after his meeting.

  His guard liked to bait each other and often teased, and lately Kenneth was their primary target. Grey surmised they were just as worried for Kenneth and their baiting was a show of concern.

  Kenneth mumbled something which Grey didn’t catch. Sean and James wore grins as wide as the stable doors at hearing their talents were needed. Aye, the journey would have been enough to make his guardsmen happy, but the mention of a lass instilled an even greater joy. They made it their mission in life to assist any and all ladies in distress.

  “I’ll stay and help Duff, Laird,” Kenneth said, “If I have your permission? There’s no need for us all to go and Duff’s been on duty for a few days …”

  Grey considered it for all of two seconds. “Duff can handle things while we’re away. You will either go to McInnish land and become laird as your father willed or go with us on this journey.”

  Kenneth glared, for Grey knew the last thing his friend wanted to do was to go home. Kenneth’s brother, Greer, was supposed to become laird, and not he. His guilt-ridden heart wouldn’t allow him to take his rightful place as laird of his clan. Grey hoped time would heal Kenneth and eventually he would go and call McInnish land his home and claim his birthright. Yet that hadn’t happened. Until then Grey had sent several of his clansmen to watch over Kenneth’s legacy. Something was bound to knock his hard-headed friend on his arse and bring about some sense.

  “Nay, I won’t be going there. I’d rather be flayed alive and thrown in a bog,” Kenneth said, “I’ll travel with you as you wish.”

  The man needed adventur
e and hopefully the journey would rid Kenneth of his sullen demeanor and heal his heart. Grey wasn’t sure how long it would take for Kenneth to get over his guilt, but no matter how long it took, he and his guardsmen would stand by him.

  He knew exactly what he needed to do and the MacQuarrie lass, if he could find her, would be advantageous.

  “Duff would be offended if I asked one of you stay to help him. Nay, Kenneth, be ready at dawn. Now I need break the news to Bree. Does anyone know where she is? I suppose in the kitchens, by God.” He almost laughed at that question, because no one could keep track of his bonny wife even with her recent widened girth. And to be honest, he wasn’t in a rush to find her neither since he’d be causing her grief.


  This was the kind of day one thought of love. The kind of love where one’s heart beat in an erratic rhythm, one’s palms grew moist thinking of holding another’s hand, and one’s skin flushed with warmth. How she wished she was in love. Elisa sighed dejectedly, knowing her lord would never allow such a thing. She was doomed to a lonely existence. Being a grown woman beyond marriageable age, she’d never gotten to experience any of the joys of being in love.

  Still the beautiful day made one think of stolen kisses, running hand and hand across a field of wildflowers or whispered words in her ear which would surely tickle.

  The sun shone its brilliance and the sky was a marvelous shade of blue. White puffy clouds marked the impressive sky-scape. There was a light breeze that caressed her cheek when she lifted her face. Elisa couldn’t help feeling such woe as there would be no man to declare such feelings for her.

  She sat cross-legged in the tall grass watching the villagers restlessly running about from the hill above. Something stirred up the sleepy village because they weren’t usually so vibrant. But she couldn’t find out what happened because she promised Timmy, a young lad in the village, that she’d await him by the tallest birch tree. He’d said his pup cut his foot and was hurting. Nothing was more important to Elisa than tending a hurt animal.